
Monday, January 11, 2010

The Prayer of Jabez- Self Application

And Jabez called upon the God of Israel saying... 2 Chronicles 4:10

This post begins a weekly series for the next 7 weeks about the Prayer of Jabez. It is a prayer that God has used in my life in such amazing ways.

After hearing The Prayer of Jabez on CD and applying it to my prayer life, I was amazed at how God has answered.

I think that because I have applied this verse to my prayer life, I have become more aware of the blessings that God has bestowed upon our family.

It is not a magical prayer by any means, but the simple requests made cover many aspects of our lives. And by covering these areas in prayer, you are asking for God's blessings and protection.

In addition to praying this simple verse as it is written in Scripture, I have also personalized it so that it never becomes a prayer of repetition, and it makes me conscious of what I am bringing before the Lord.

So the next question is, "How do I personalize it?"

In all honesty, I learned to pray this way from my mother. You replace names in the verse with your own and pronouns with "me", "my", or "I".

By praying Scripture, you are taking God's Word and using it in the most powerful way possible.

What better way to speak to God than with His Word?

When I begin this part of my prayer, I begin with, "And Suzette called on the God of Israel saying..." With each phrase I bring specific things that fit into that category from my life and my family's life before the throne. I will delve more into those categories over the next several weeks.

I have been so excited about this series for a while now, and I look forward to sharing the blessings that God brings about. I pray that God uses this series in your life, and I hope you share with us the blessings that come about as you pray God's Word over your own life.


  1. My mom is another firm believer in the prayer of Jabez Suzette...can't wait to hear how God rains down His blessings on you! Love, Kristi

  2. Wow, I think I want to do that! Thank you Suzette :)
