
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Weekend- Some pictures

Our Easter celebrations began on Saturday morning. Our church had an Easter Party for the children of the church and community. There were hundreds of people there, but it was so well run and organized. We had a wonderful time.
I love how she snuggles up to Brian to get her picture taken. She is her daddy's girl!

Part of the fun was the petting farm. There were several goats and donkeys. Oh, you are so brave, little girl!

She loved the donkeys. She just wanted to keep petting them. Of course, we made our way to the hand sanitizer right after. The point was made to each child that pet the donkeys that every donkey is born with a cross on its back. Very cool!

We weren't sure if Addie would sit still to have her face painted, but she did. Even the woman doing the painting said she was amazed at how still Addie sat. She is such a girl! She loves to be pampered.

She had a little heart painted on her cheek. Her cheeks happen to be full of gummies!

At my aunt's house, we had a delicious lunch/dinner after reading the Easter account. Then it was time for the annual Easter egg hunt. Addie's big cousins love her to pieces. The twins are two of her closest friends.

We had to show her what to do with the eggs (at first she picked up the eggs and then put them back), but then she got the hang of it and was on a roll! She was still looking for eggs after the hunt was over.

Grandpa lent a hand when there were some eggs spotted in some of the hanging baskets.

A child on a mission!

A proud daddy!

Her little heart was fading at this point. And she's still looking...

Our girls. Such a beautiful bunch.

Counting the eggs. She collected 24. Because one of her eggs had stickers on it, she also won a prize...a chocolate bunny.

I love how Brian and Jim just get along with each other. After spending the afternoon at my aunt's house, Faye and Jim came back to our house. What a great time we had...even if they beat Brian and me at Wii Sports. We want a rematch!

We are so excited for them. They make an awesome couple!

Easter morning. The dress was courtesy of Titi Tita (one of my aunts). Daddy bought her the bonnet. Team Mac sent us the shoes. Her hair was pulled up in a pig tail of tumbling curls with a big white bow in front.

For dinner we met Brian's family at his parent's house. We brought Addie's car and let baby CJ have a little ride. I was so proud of how well Addie behaved while CJ was in her car. She cheered for him. It made me comfortable with the idea of adding Baby #2 in the near future. (Just for clarification- we are not expecting yet.)

Hehe... what a squishable little person! Ooooh, I love you!

Yesterday, Faye offered to watch Addie for me while I made a quick run to the store. When I came back, they both had blue noses (thanks to Aunt Faye's eye shadow). I got into the action too, and we just had to get a picture of it.

Oh, my little cutie patootie! Mommy thinks you are such a fantastic little person. Your smile and laugh brighten our day. Daddy and I thank God for you everyday. We are so proud of how well you are growing and how well you are eating. You are loving the Resurrection Eggs that Aunt Kristi sent us (we are doing them as our devotions right now). Just remember that with as much fun as you had this past weekend, without the Resurrection there would have been no celebration.
I am going to take a few days off from blogging this week. My sister is home for her Spring Break and I only have her until July. I need to make the most of the time I have with her.

I will be posting on Book Club Thursday and Recipe Swap Saturday so don't worry about that. I will keep those commitments.

Lord willing, today, my dear friend Cathy and her daughter Kenberly will be coming over for the day to scrapbook! I am super excited about this. I have let myself get so behind, it isn't even funny. I think I need to go back and read my simplicity posts on scrapbooking just to calm myself down.

Have a super Spring Break and I will see you all on Thursday morning, bright and early!


  1. I loved all those beautiful pics, I think it's great that you are spending quality time with friends and are awesome Suzette!

  2. Thanks for sharing your Easter with us Suzette! Have fun on your break this week, and enjoy soaking up time w/ your sis. What a blessing! We'll miss hearing from you here on blogland...
