
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ernest and Nancy

On Saturday, we met Ernest and Nancy, Faye's future in-laws.

There are some people that you meet that you instantly fall in love with and you hold in high regard and respect. Ernest and Nancy are those people.

The trip itself was quite an experience. Everyone on the road was heading home from Spring Break and snow birds were also heading back home (we saw licence plates from lots of other states and Canada). What should have been an hour and a half drive turned into a two and a half hour drive. Brian, my forever joking husband, kept the trip light and funny. We just felt so badly arriving almost 2 hours later than we were supposed to. (Addie spent the day with Aunt Elsie and was completely loved and spoiled.)

From the moment we arrived, we were greeted with love and warmth. I fell in love instantly with Nancy's southern hospitality and charm. Because Jim had warned her that our party was in need of a restroom break, as soon as everyone was hugged, we were all sent in different directions to the powder rooms.

The love they have for Faye is so apparent. And she loves them in return.

Because they are readers of my blog (Hi, Nancy and Ernest!), they knew all about our family. I think Dad was surprised by how much they knew about him!

Ernest gave us a tour of their property. I was in awe! It is no secret that I do not have a green thumb, but I just love looking at the plants and landscaping of others. Ernest's plants, bushes, trees, and flowers were absolutely beautiful. And he is just the sweetest! I wanted to just give him a huge squeeze! After the tour of the garden, he showed us his office where he had collected so many items from the different countries where he and Nancy had ministered.

Nancy was just the perfect hostess. I learned a lot from just watching her host. She had a plan (you know I loved that part!) for our entire visit, and everything was so relaxed and ran so smoothly. She and Ernest worked as a team. While he was talking to us at the beginning of our visit (Ernest told us the history of Fort King, which was literally across the street from their home. I love history so I was completely fascinated.), she was setting out the food for dinner. After dinner, as we were getting the garden tour, Nancy was clearing the dinner plates, putting on the coffee (oh, she knew us so well!), and serving out the dessert (banana cream pie for Brian). She had topics of conversation already planned so there was never a lull in the conversation. She was so down to earth and yet perfect in everything that she did.

I cannot wait to spend time with them again. And I am so glad that we can call them family.

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