- a handwritten note from my mother expressing to me things I thought I would never hear from her again.
- finding Brian's log book of his keeping track of all of the hugs I "owed" him once we were married (we only hugged each other on five different occassions during our courtship, and I had to have prior permission from my parents for each).
- finding the letter I had written to Brian and had given him the night before our wedding.
- Seeing Addie fold Tigger's hands, mumble something, and then say "Amen".
- Walking out of our bedroom on a Sunday morning all dressed for church and having Addie say, "Ooooh, Mama's pwee-bwee!"
- Having Addie feed herself a snack of "I-coo" -pudding (yogurt, pudding, and ice cream all fall into the category of ice cream) while watching her reading program. I still can't get over the fact that she is feeding herself.
- Singing Sunday School songs with Addie while practicing our potty training.
- Finding the notebooks that my mother jotted down her thought, ideas, and prayer requests in and seeing the requests she asked on my behalf.
- Sitting with Brian after Addie has gone to bed for the evening just talking, playing Civilization together, watching a movie or show, and eating his popcorn (I never have a bowl of my own...I just eat half of his)
- Having Addie say, "I love you," without any prompting.
- Having my Aunt Elsa over for coffee and her chocolate chip cookies (she says the are just the refrigerated, prepackaged, generic chocolate chip cookie dough, but hers are always the best!)
- Having a husband who is willing to take a day off of work to stay home and take care of me and Addie.
- Encouraging emails, messages, texts, and comments from family, friends, and loved ones.
- Having Addie ask for "Cau-cor" (popcorn) and watching her pull out the pot and bowls we use for making and eating them.
- Coming home on Saturday after shopping with Faye, and having Brian tell me that he appreciates all that I do...Addie wore him out!
Aww these are all very sweet pricless memories
ReplyDeletethis blog post was priceless :)