
Friday, July 30, 2010


As I was getting up and getting things ready for the day yesterday, I thought to myself, "This has not been a simple week!"

Granted not every week or day in our lives can be simple, although we do our best at working our way to that point. However, sometimes those crazy, busy days and weeks can help us be thankful for the simpler days and weeks that we have.

  • On Monday, Addie and I went grocery shopping and then I cleaned out the fridge and pantry while doing some laundry on the side.
  • Tuesday, Lisa came over and we cleaned out Addie's room and the garage. Then in the evening, we had a friend from church over for dinner.
  • Wednesday, I went over to Titi Elsie's (with Addie, of course) and spent some time with her, Titi Alice, Lisa, her girls, Victoria, and the recent bride. What a great time getting to see Faye and Jim's pictures from their honeymoon! In the evening, we had Dad over for dinner.
  • Yesterday, I planned on being home, but decided to run down to Brian's office to pick up his paycheck and then in the evening, my mom-in-law and I had a date.
  • Today, Lord willing, Faye will be having the same group from Wednesday over for lunch. I also have another appointment today.
Also thrown in with all of the goings on for the week was laundry, cooking, cleaning, caring for Brian, and a baby who suddenly decided she does not like her bed and has been crying herself to sleep at naptime and bedtime (very hard on Mommy but especially Daddy).

I know that crazy weeks like this are few and far between for me, and calmness will find its way back into my schedule in the next day or two. I find that during these crazy times, it is easy to loose track of the simple ways that we do things, and I find it helpful to go back and look over my notes (and posts) reminding me of the simple things.

Tonight, Brian, Addie and I are going to simply eat dinner as a family, simply play in Addie's room, simply sit on the couch and watch a "moo-die" together, and simply enjoy a good night's sleep.

Hope you have a simple day and simple weekend!


  1. Hi Suz! What a wonderful reminder! I feel like I've had nothing near a simplistic week this week after returning from vacation, and I'm pretty worn out! Maybe I'll plan a very simple evening together tonight too. That sounds like just what the Dr. ordered! Oh, and I really need to go back and see Faye's wedding pics. I was gone last week and still have so much blog reading I'd like to catch up on when I find the time. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello today my friend! Hugs, ~K

  2. I'm worried about our Addie girl! Is she in a big girl bed now or a crib? Praying she finds rest today, and mom and dad too.

  3. She is still in her crib. We were contimplating changing the crib into the toddler bed (we have a convertible crib), but this has pushed that idea out for a little bit.

    The crying time is lessening each night. I feel like we are starting all over again with having her put herself to sleep like we did when she was a baby. She wakes up perky and happy ready to have an adventure, so everything is good. Thanks for asking!
