
Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankful | God's Word

I am thankful for God's Word....
I guess I should have put this one first..... and then the post on Brian second..... and the ones on the kids next...... oh, well.
I am thankful for being a part of a Bible preaching and believing church where we love and respect our pastor and his staff and are able to watch them live out their faith-walk daily, and we are spiritually fed every Sunday morning. Our staff is so real (not holier than thou-ish), and yet they maintain a high standard of conduct that it is refreshing as a lay member to see. They are also so personal. Our senior pastor knows us and especially Addie by name (even though there is a large membership) and takes the time to get down on one knee to hug her when he sees her. (She is in love with him and squeals "Pastor!" when she sees him.)
 I am thankful for the online women's Bible study that I am a part of on Face book. Every morning during our sessions, I can read the passage for the day, share what God has put on my heart concerning the passage, and read what God has put on everyone else's heart as well. I love the accountability and that our leader checks the page throughout the day to read everyone's posts. Not an easy job, I'm sure.

I am thankful that I live in a country where I can not only read the Bible for myself, but I can teach it to my children. Hearing Addie "read" the Bible to Ian as we are driving around is one of my greatest joys. I love that she has a good handle on the accounts, although she is not always completely accurate. Addie's version are sometimes based on the pictures in the Bible book she happens to be looking at. She is at the point where she is starting to relate our every day situations to accounts that we have taught her. Very cool.
I am very thankful that Addie is understanding the comfort that God's word provides. Addie has come to love Psalm 121 and the reality that God does not sleep. At night and nap time time, she also listens to the "Hide "em In Your Heart" CD which takes Bible verses and put them to music.
I am very thankful that my parents saw the importance and value in teaching me God's Word as a little girl, how my faith was built upon that foundation, and that now the next generation can learn about the Lord and have a foundation laid in their lives also.
I am thankful for God's Word.

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