
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful | Relationships

I am so thankful for relationships. Knowing people as friends and family is one of the greatest blessings in life.
Relationships as husband and wife (he still makes my heart flutter)......
Our relationship as a family.......
......and the relationships within that family.....
....brothers and sisters....... 


....fathers and mothers and their children.....

And then as those relationship reach outside of our four walls they reach our original families.
Grandparents with their grandchildren......

And extended family including aunts and uncles, great-aunts and great uncles....

The relationships with our own wonderful siblings and their spouses.....

....and how big family get-togethers become because of those relationships.....

There are relationships we had with those we loved and have passed on....

And the relationships we have with those that we love and are blessed to still have.....
Relationships with newer friends (within the last 15 years)
and rekindled relationships with friends that we have had forever and were able to reconnect with after many years.
And I am so thankful that today I will be visiting with Kristi as she and her family come by to spend some time with us on their way to celebrate Thanksgiving with family. I will finally have an updated photo to share with you of the two of us instead of this one from our high school youth group days. I can't wait for our children to play together and our husbands to meet. Yay!
I am thankful for relationships!

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