
Friday, December 28, 2012

My Focus Word for 2013

Deuteronomy 31:19 "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life......."

Well, maybe it isn't an actual word but a phrase.

Live Life! Choose Life!

I can already hear some of you saying, "What does that mean? That makes no sense!"

Oh, but it makes so much sense to me, and it means so much to me, too.

I have been making lists of things that I want to do with my family since the summer and it has caused us to be very actively involved in living life to its fullest. The seasons have not slipped by us. Weekends do not come and go without having had a purpose.

I have always been a list, Plan A, goal oriented person, but sometimes it is so easy to get in a rut of writing out the same goals day-to-day- "clean the kitchen, do a load of laundry, clean one room, in the house, home school Addie, etc."

That is not living life. That is going through the motions and waking up the next day to do it all over again.

Yes, those things must get done, but I want to really live life in between all of the "to-dos".

Take the kids out.
Leave the house as a family.
Have an adventure with the kids or as a family.

In the New Year, I want to be able to look back at the end of each day and say, "I lived this day to its fullest."

I do not want to look back at a day and think, "I wish I had...."

I do not intend to make our schedule so packed that we are reeling at the end of each day, but I do intend to live purposely each day.

With God's help, I want 2013 to be a year of action for us as a family.

I want our family to actively live life in 2013.

I want to live life this year.


  1. I love this! It can be so easy to find ourselves at Sunday night and realize that the weekend has just disappeared. I think it is a great idea to be more intentional about your time. I hope that I can be more mindful of that for my family too. Happy New Year (almost)!!
