
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Date

Date nights are very special and important to us. They are a time for us to connect without having to be "Mommy and Daddy" at the same time. We can talk about important matters that affect our home without having to split our attention between each other and the kids.
This weekend, Brian and I were able to go off for a few hours for dinner and a movie (and I got to stop in at Barnes & Noble to talk with an expert about my tablet. So happy!).
My sister Faye and her husband Jim offered to babysit the munchies, which got us out of our county (because we soooo needed a change of scenery!) and told us they would watch the kids up until 1:00 a.m. (not that we actually took advantage of that, but what a nice relief that we didn't have to worry about time.)
Do you see the remote in Ian's hands? Yeah, he has Aunt Faye and Uncle Jim wrapped around his chubby little finger because there is no way he would have gotten away with that at home.
She was so excited to be at her best friend's house. Can you see Taffy?
We love our Aunt Faye Uncle Jim!
Now..... getting back to the actual post. Those two are distractingly adorable!
I have begun reading the e-book One Bite At A Time by Tsh Oxenreider author of The Simple Mom blog (one of my favorite places to "hang out" online). The book gives 52 simple steps to take to help one live a simple and intentional life with their family.
I went into the date having a few conversations I wanted to have with Brian concerning some of the things I had read. I brought out my tablet before our dinner came out and introduced two of the items I wanted to work on.
Achieving a goal is much easier when your spouse is in agreement and on board with you.
I introduced the idea of a morning and evening schedule for us (as in for him and me) and asked if he would be willing to try it.
He is so awesome!
I then showed him the "Family Purpose Statement". We were both really excited about working on this together. We don't want our family to just exist and have no direction, goal, or focus. We want our family to have a purpose that not only keeps us living intentionally here, but also keeps us focused on the Lord and our future with Him. 
I want to fly through this book and just read everything she writes, but then I want to stop and work on what she teaches in each chapter. I think I'll do both!

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