
Friday, February 1, 2013

What Did I Accomplish This Week?


A normal day.
Pancakes for breakfast.
School time.
Grocery shopping for a month's worth of dinners (post on this to come next week).
Prepared and froze 6 dinner meals and made a separate meal for dinner tonight.
Brian came home from his 2nd visit to the chiropractor in one day saying that the doctor ordered him to stay home for two days.


A normal day but with Brian home.
Potatoes O'Brien for breakfast (Addie gets a kick out of the name).
School time.
Addie and I cleaned out and purged her toy box.
Playtime with the kids.
Made dinner (I had a frozen batch of spaghetti sauce in the freezer, which happened to be what Brian was in the mood for).
Family movie time (Madagascar 3- a family favorite. The kids love our little dance session at the end of the movie.).


A somewhat normal day.
Brian was home.
Made these for breakfast.
While Addie was finishing her assignments and Ian was taking his first nap, I attacked and purged her closet (now I actually walk into her room just to open her closet and stand in awe).
Sports team night.
Final total of kids in my class for the night was 13.
Called Brian on my way home to say I needed coffee when I arrived.
We settled down for the night with coffee, the leftovers from breakfast, and the Property Brothers on HGTV.


Brian went back to work. Boy, did I miss him.
Why are the kids starting to wake up at 6:00? I am super quiet so as not to disturb anyone. I might have to start waking up earlier than a quarter to six.
Had to take my vitamins and get dressed with Ian at my heels today. Pony tail/messy bun is going to have to do today.
Breakfast. Cereal. Blah.
School work.
Decided to purge and organize Ian's closet.
Somehow I got the notion to completely rearrange his furniture.
2 hours later I kept asking myself WHY!
Divided my pile of stuff for consignment shop, future garage sale, and Goodwill.


Probably going to take some things down to the consignment shop and Goodwill.
Maybe we will get to the library at some point.
Maybe we will stop for lunch.
I just know one thing for sure.
I am not puring or organizing anything today!

Well........... I sure will try not to........

But that cabinet I get my vitamins out of........ it may need some attention.........

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