
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Good Morning

A good morning generally makes for a good day on the home front.

Today's post is a photo montage of what a typical day in our home looks like. By typical I mean that nothing is happening to change the normal sequence of events (visitors, leaving the house, Awana, errands, grocery shopping).

These photos were taken over the course of a week with at least one being pulled from the archives. Contrary to popular belief, my camera is not always at the ready. Under each photo is a recap of what you are seeing. I have the photos timed to finish when the music ends, but if you feel it is going too fast to read my caption, you can hit the pause button and move through the photos manually.

The music playing is by Mandisa. It is the Capital Kings Remix of her song "Good Morning" featuring Toby Mac.

Have a Good Morning!

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  1. I love this idea! Your kids will love having this when they are older and look back when they were kids!
