
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Graduate

She amazes us daily. And she did it again.

Addie graduated from Kindergarten on Friday night with all of the other kindergarteners in our home school group.

Our first rehearsal did not go well. At all.

I don't know if it was the fear of being in front of people, the fear of doing something we have never done before, or because we were tired and getting over a cold. Whatever the case, after talking her through it, she was amazing for her next practice and the real thing.

Lots of family came out see to her. My dad, Brian's parents, Aunt Faye and Uncle Jim, my cousin and her kids, and Miss Cathy and Kennie were all there to cheer for her. Addie left there with presents from her guests, too! She was so excited!

The next morning, she woke up, came to me and said, "I'm in first grade! When can I graduate again?!"

Oh, Addie! Let's not rush that graduation. Mommy is not ready for it yet.

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1 comment:

  1. hi, my daughter is 3 and I really want to homeschool her in a christian curriculum but I don't know where to start. Any tips would be great!thanks. PS Love your blog.
