
Friday, October 25, 2013

Christ in the Commandments
This post does contain affiliate links.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 "And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."
Teaching our children God's Word has always been something very important to us. Yes, we want them to excel in academics (also important to us), but if they are only smart as they go through life  "...what shall it profit {them}, if {they} shall gain the whole world, and lose {their} own soul?" (Mark 8:36)
So when I was offered the opportunity a few weeks ago to review the family Bible study, Christ in the Commandments, I jumped on it.

All I can say is WOW!

Christ in the Commandments, written by Luke Gilkerson, is a 30 lesson walk through not only the 10 commandments but other parts of the Scripture that show how Christ perfectly fulfilled the commandments.

This study can be used as a daily Bible Study, weekly study, or combination (which is what the writer recommends).

Addie (5 1/2 years old) and I began this study during one of Brian's business trips out of town, after Ian had gone down for the night. We turned out all of the lights except for the living room light, and sat together reading the verses and the study guide.

I was very surprised and how engaged Addie was throughout the entire lesson (about 15-20 minutes). As we read each passage, we would stop and discuss what we were reading (in 5 year old terms) to make sure she was fully understanding the passage. Then we would read the study guide and answer the questions based on our reading.

When Brian came home from his trip, he joined us, and he is thoroughly enjoying our study, too.  In fact, he has decided that once we complete this study, he wants to purchase another family Bible study from the Gilkersons. We take turns reading the passages, the study guide, and looking at each other in amazement as Addie answers questions in ways that we would never have imagined.
If you are a homeschooling parent who uses copy work in your curriculum, this study can also be used with their Exodus 20 version of Write Through the Bible. Writing is an excellent way of taking what a child has heard and having them see it in their own handwriting. Even if you do not homeschool, copy work is great practice in hand-eye coordination and penmanship.

Because this product is a PDF that is downloaded to your computer, you can easily put it into a binder and pull it out again in a couple of years to do all over again. That is my plan. I want Ian to benefit from this study when he is a bit older (although he does enthusiastically says, "God!" as he points to the Bible during devotion time), and I look forward to seeing the growth in Addie as she remembers, shares, and everything takes deeper root.

Christ in the Commandments becomes available tomorrow (October 26, 2013). From October 26-31, you can use the special coupon code ExFree to receive a free Exodus Write Through the Bible workbook of your choosing along with your purchase of the Bible study.  

I hope you and your family will enjoy this study as much as we are.

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