
Monday, October 14, 2013

Scripture Meditation from Thriving Home

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalms 119:11
As a little girl, scripture memorization was not hard. My mother made it a priority in our home, and every night at bed time we memorized scripture with her (one verse a week). Now as the mom, I do the same with my children (although Ian is just along for the ride right now). Finding verses is not that hard since we use our AWANA book to guide us as to which verses we memorize.
Why is scripture memory and meditation important? God tells us in His Word that we are to hide His Words in our heart so that we will not sin against Him. When we think about His Words, our attitudes and actions will line up with His and we will be more likely to live in a manner that pleases Him. 
Sometimes, just having a verse to meditate on throughout the day is what we need. But finding the right verse might be a daunting task.
To help you get creative in your time with God, Thriving Home has designed On the Job Meditations for Moms: 25 Encouraging Bible Verse Cards. Place these cards wherever you traffic the most and lift your eyes up all day (or night) to your Father in heaven. They also make for an encouraging, meaningful gift--especially for new moms!
For the introductory price of only $4.99, you'll receive all of these printables:
  • 25 encouraging Bible verses (NIV version) on trendy 3.5 x 2.5 note cards
  • a matching "Gift for You" card
  • 5 Recipe Cards of Thriving Home's most popular healthy freezer recipes (perfect for new or busy moms)
Best of all, you can print these as many times as you like, giving them as gifts over and over again! Purchase your own set here.
Disclosure: I received the complete set of these printables as compensation for helping to promote this product.

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