
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Heart of a Homemaker | Subject to Their Own Husbands

The next word in Titus 2:3-5 is one that makes women in certain circles and groups rather uncomfortable.



Because we live in a society that believes that women are no different than men, that women are better than men, and that women have no need for men. What a sad message the men around us are hearing.

However, God has not put this phrase in the Bible to keep women down or in a position of inferiority, but to free us from the responsibility of being the one in charge.

How can we be subject/submissive to our husbands?

One way that I can be subject to my husband is by showing him respect and honor.

If he makes a request, then I need to respond in a right spirit. I have been blessed to have a husband that is not demanding at all. However, there are times that he does have requests concerning dinner (a favorite meal), phone calls that need to be made (no one likes to be put on hold especially someone who is on the clock), or some unusual chore that needs to be done. In those cases, my attitude needs to be one of humility, kindness, and submission.

As women, we tend to be rather opinionated. We even tend to think that our opinion is always right and there can never be another way to look at things. However, sometimes it does not occur to us that our husbands also have opinions on matters also.

When there are two valid opinions, it is important to voice our opinion in a godly, loving way.

I do not believe that God wants us to roll over and be walked on, but he wants us to conduct ourselves as His daughters and to carry ourselves in beauty and character. Once we have made our opinions known to our husbands, we then need to submit our opinion to his and prayerfully trust God to take care of the rest (so hard for those of us ME who like to control make sure life follows the plan in place).

There are times when we need to respectfully disagree with our husbands (1 Samuel 25: 9-35). In those cases, we need to be in prayer and ask God for wisdom so that our husbands realize that our intentions were not to go above their heads but to be a blessing to them. their own husbands....

Going in a different direction in this verse, I think God has put that one little word own in this passage for a reason.

It is so easy to compare our marriages (especially in this world of social media that we live in where we only post the highlights of our lives) and then say, "If my husband were only more like that, I would submit to him" or "How can she not submit to her husband? He is such a wonderful man."

However, we do not know what someone else's relationship is like behind closed doors. The couple you see in public may not be the same in private.

Women generally like to compare themselves with others and covet what their friends have. God doesn't want us mentally taking on the lives and dreams of others, but He wants us to live our own lives with our own husbands and our own children.

God put 2 Corinthians 10:12b in His Word for a reason. It says, "...but when they measure themselves by themselves, and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding."

Don't compare the wonderful life, story, and journey that God has given to you with the one he has given to someone else.

There is no comparison.

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