
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Archives | Simplicity: Step Two

The original post can be found here.

"God made man simple; man's complex problems are of his own devising." Ecclesiastes 7:30 JB

Here is a quick recap of the 5 steps from last week: 

Have a morning routine.
Do one load of laundry a day.
Load your dishwasher throughout the day, and wash the dishes at night.
Pick up as you go along.
Do a "Clean Sweep" several times a day.
Today's simplicity point is an extension of last week's points.  

Prep the night before. 

I had gone into this a bit in a post at the beginning of the school year, but here are some other ways that I have worked these into my home.
Make and pack lunches. (most of the time). By packing the non-perishables and putting the sandwich in the fridge, it is one less thing for me to do in the morning. It also gives me a chance to be creative with my husband's lunches, instead of trying to slap a lunch together when I am still groggy.

Hey, ladies, while prepping your husband's and/or your children's lunches, try sticking a little note inside. Brian has kept all of the notes I have put in his lunch box over the years, and it is a blast reading back over the notes. Doing this the night before helps me to really think about what I am writing to him without feeling rushed in the morning.
Get the coffee pot set. Cleaning it out, setting the water, and measuring out the coffee makes the morning very sweet. All I have to do is push the button as soon as I wake up.
Check the calendar to see what dinner is for the following day. Nothing is worse than having a crock pot/slow cooker meal on the schedule, waking up and having a frozen piece of meat to work with. 
Give your house a "Clean Sweep" one last time. I hate waking up and finding a cup or mug here and there. Having everything in its place the night before ensures a smooth morning. There is something to be said about not waking up to clean yesterday's mess. It also helps me sleep better knowing that I do not have anything hanging over my head.
Look over your plan for the following day. Knowing what is on your next day's agenda will help you plan accordingly for meals, dress, lunches, schedules, and diaper bags.
By prepping the night before, I have plenty of time in my morning routine to have my devotions without feeling rushed. I am able to sit and enjoy my quiet time with a cup of coffee (prepped the night before, of course) without the feeling of just doing it to cross it off of my list.

I hope you find these tips helpful for your upcoming week.

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