
Monday, March 22, 2010

Gently Lead

He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs in His arm, He will carry them in His bosom and will gently lead those that have their young. Isaiah 40:11

As I read this verse last week in my devotions, the last phrase really hit me. As a wife and mother, I am juggling quite a bit on my plate, as are all wives and mothers. Caring for my husband, caring for Addie, feedings, house keeping, cooking, grocery shopping, laundry, teaching, and, training, just to name a few. There are so many times when I find myself praying out loud about this situation, that situation, praying for wisdom in feeding my daughter or how to correct her Biblically, praying for protection for Brian on the roads and for ease in dealing with the many personalitities he comes in contact with. (I get quite a few looks from Addie, who can't figure out who I am talking to especially when I have just had to deal with her.)

I know that as a wife and mother, I will make mistakes. How wonderful it is to know that I have a loving father in Heaven who will gently lead me in the way that I need to go. And what a reminder it isto me that as He leads me gently, I need to lead those who follow me (Addie) gently as well.


  1. I've always loved that verse. Reminds us of how incredibly kind and tender our Heavenly Father is! Analogies with lambs/shepherds really speak to me for some reason. Great reminder for the day. I hope you had a lovely weekend!

  2. Thanks for your comment today ;0) I tried telling Josh that, lol...I tried...he wasn't buying it. I think he actually got offended...and I didn't even understand why?! So I pretty much just waved my little white flag of surrender ;-)
