
Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Written on Monday, March 22, 2010, during Addie's nap.

This was something I did last June and decided to revisit it. It is a fun little exercise.

Outside my window... grey clouds are hanging over the trees in the distance. My crocus plants (from last June's post) that used to make me happy are now dead.

I am thinking... of some creative projects I would like to do- aprons, making drapes for our bedroom, hanging drapes in the office, crocheting some ponchos, crocheting some market bags, repainting some furniture that my parents-in-law gave us.

I am thankful for... a husband who goes to work faithfully every morning. I tell Addie every morning as we wave good-bye to him, "Daddy goes to work so that Mommy can stay home with Addie."

From the kitchen... tonight we are having chicken and Uncle Ben's Roasted Garlic and Olive oil rice with steamed vegetables (Uncle Ben's was buy one get on free at Publix plus I had coupons!).

I am wearing... denim capris and a red t-shirt (although when I went outside for the mail I realized that it is too cold for capris and t-shirts...I thought we were supposed to be experiencing global warming?)

I am creating... several scrapbook pages in bulk, so that when the next scrapbook day comes up I can do my decorating then and not have to worry about starting my pages from scratch.

I am going... to give Addie a strawberry for a snack when she wakes up from her nap. Last night she was red around the chin from her strawberry snack. Thank God for Shout stain remover!

I am reading... On Becoming Toddler Wise, The Confident Woman (bet you didn't know that one!), What the Bible has to Say About Child-Training, Hearing From God Each Morning.

I am hoping... to seriously begin potty training in the next month or two. We have been introducing the idea to her, and I think she is ready for it. The question is, am I ready?

Around the house... everything is in its place. Addie "helped" me dust earlier. I use a damp cloth for dusting. She had her own and would walk around giving everything within her reach a little swipe with her dust cloth. Too cute!

One of my favorite things... is having Brian home on the weekends and just enjoying his company. He took Addie out on Saturday morning to get an oil change, and to give me a chance to get my morning cleanup out of the way. When they got back, Addie came walking up to me with a bouquet of mixed flowers. I loved it! They have a nice little home right now in a glass vase in the middle of the dining room table.


  1. This is a fun exercise! I might have to copy the idea (if you don't mind!). :-) Hope you have a great Tuesday!

  2. Absolutely! It isn't my original idea, either. I got it from and she got it from someone else. It is a lot of fun!

  3. How sweet! He got flowers for her to give you! Great idea! I love it.

  4. Aw..that was sweet! What a lovely life you have!

  5. Thanks, ladies. I do feel very blessed.

  6. You are so creative Suzette! loved it! And I must say I love Brian getting you those flowers,he's such a keeper! :)
