
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some Great Toys

I had mentioned last week that I would be talking about some toys that really pull double duty when it comes to playtime and learning. Today, I'll be talking about two that were given to us (or should I say Addie) by a special pair.

Mr. Potato Head- Uncle Jim gave Mr. Potato Head to Addie for her birthday. Mr. Potato Head is a great toy for many reasons. It makes for lots of enjoyment just pulling out the pieces, replacing them, changing them around, and even pulls out the artistic side some times (his tongue has been put at the top of his head, an ear where the nose goes, and so on). Once while Addie and Brian were playing with Mr. Potato Head, he told her, "When you go to bed, I'll put the pieces where I want them." All ages can find loads of fun in this toy.

It is great for refining the fine motor skills as your child will need to put the pieces in their appropriate places and fit the pegs in the holes.

We use Mr. P to review body parts. I will take three of the pieces in my hand and have Addie pick out the ear or the nose or the hand. She picks it out and then puts it in the appropriate place.

Thirdly, it reenforces cleanup, and all unused pieces can be easily put away by your little one in the compartment on the back of Mr. P. Thank, Uncle Jim for such a great toy!

Leap Frog Click Start My First Computer- Also for her birthday, Aunt Faye bought Addie the Leap Frog Click Start. It is a toddler friendly computer complete with a keyboard and mouse that hooks up directly to your TV. The cartridge it came with has different games using either the keyboard or the mouse.
Right now, she plays with the keyboard games because she "gets it". I do play one of the mouse games with her to help her understand the concept of the mouse.
In the computer world we live in today, it is so important to have our children understand how to use a computer. This game really helps with that. I also don't have to worry about her pushing any buttons that she shouldn't. She gets computer time every day for about 30 minutes or less (attention span has a lot to do with it).
Next week, I'll introduce you to two other toys that can also double as an educational tool for your child or any children that you are with.


  1. I love that pic of you guys! So cute!

  2. That IS a great pic :-) Just stopping in to say 'Happy Tuesday' to you! Hope you're having a blessed one, ~Kristin

  3. I want a Mr. Potato head for Mark and Julia, I think I will tell my mother in law that for mark's big birthday in may! Thanks suzi for sharing!

  4. Just to clarify, the picture is of my sister and her fiance. The do make a cute couple, don't they!

  5. It is so true about computers. My son has had computer class at school since 1st grade. He can set a desktop background, upload digital pictures, write a report, he even set up his own skateboard site. He is Trying to get a "sponsor" to notice his skills. It is really a great help to have the computer class in school. I now take free classes in excel, access, etc. at my local library just to keep up. I remember learning the keyboard on my moms old typewriter - what a difference in the world today.

    Now I have to make sure everything my son puts online is OK. I tell him, "what you post can ruin your life." Hubby worked with a girl that got fired because of what she posted on facebook. I say there is always someone looking over your shoulder. Is what you are putting up good in God's eyes or would you be embarrased if he looks?

    Thanks for your posts Suzi - they are encouraging to see another mom trying to raise their kid right in the eyes of God.

  6. Terry, it is encouraging to me also to see other moms who share the same values that we do. It really makes one feel like we are not all alone in the journey to raise God honoring children. Thanks for your comment. How was your trip to the Bahamas?

  7. Hurray, Im so happy that Addie likes the Potato Head!!! :)

    Uncle Jim
