
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Her First "Real" Haircut

About 4 1/2 months ago, I attempted to trim Addie's hair.
I butchered it!
It was not her fault at all. She stood still as I cut, I just didn't cut as straight as I should have and I cut some spots shorter than others.
Soooo....... she's been wearing braids an awful lot to hide my chop-job.
JCPenney's, where I get my hair cut, began running a promotion recently for free children's haircuts on Sundays. At my last appointment, I decided to have Addie join me for my next appointment so she could get her hair fixed.
We began preparing her weeks ago for her first hair appointment. She is not a fan of trying anything new, and she is extremely sensitive to having her hair pulled or snagged (I used to hate having my mom comb through my really long, really thick hair, too), so we reminded her to obey and not to fuss if Miss D snagged or accidentally pulled her hair.
After my hair cut, it was Addie's turn.
She was a little nervous about the hair washing part.
And the it was time to cut the hair.
She did such a good job! She never made a sound! My little always moving, always has something to say, stops only long enough to take a breath, bundle of love and energy stood perfectly still and never said a word!

Does she look a little nervous?

She ended up having to stand because the booster seat did not lift her high enough above the back of the chair for Miss D to give her an accurate hair cut.

Isn't she a cutie!!! Here you can see how much had to come off to take off her dead ends and fix my attempt at her hair.

Almost done!

Tada! Taffy was there under the cape the entire time keeping her company. When we first walked into JCP, Addie said, "Mom, Taffy's allowed to come in because she is a helper dog and only helper dogs can go into stores."

Miss D, you always do an amazing job with Mommy's hair, and you did a fantastic job with Addie's. Thanks for being a part of our special Mother/daughter memory.

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