
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How Do You Use Your Naptime?

Naptime is a very important time here in our home. It is one of those times that I try to make sure is undisturbed by our schedule if I can help it. Why?

It gives kids the rest that their bodies need.

Children are constantly growing and napping gives their bodies the down time needed for growing and recharging. KidsHealth gives a recommended amount of sleep children should have at different ages. The Ezzos from the BabyWise series have also made the link from lack of sleep to poor performance in academics and development.

Naptime gives Mom a chance to focus on things that have to get done without the guilt of neglecting her children.

It is so much easier for me to clean the bathrooms, do some organizing, balance our accounts, meal plan, blog, clean the fridge, etc. when the kids are napping. There is no fear of little hands touching things that are not good for them. There are no worries of getting so involved in a project that the children are left entertaining themselves for too long a period of times.

Naptime gives Mom a chance to rest.

As a mother, you are on call 24/7/365. For you to be at your best for your family, you need a time where you can shut everything off (well, not completely) and read, take a nap, talk to a friend on the phone, take a shower, watch a show, or just do nothing at all. It is important for Mom to have some downtime so that she can fully attend to the needs of her family.

One thing that is a plus for our family is that both kids take their naps at the same time. This took some work on our part in order to get the two schedules to blend together, but it was definitely worth the effort.

Enjoy your naptime, Mama.

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