
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Call for Your Ideas

Summer is quickly approaching. All of my teacher friends are already counting down the days. We have five more days of school and we can officially say "Hello, Summer Break!"

As summer approaches we all begin thinking of what we can do to make this summer the best one yet. Activities, vacations, summer holidays, and food are all ways that we enjoy showing some of the sense of freedom, creativity, and relaxation that summer naturally brings with it.

That is where you come in, my dear readers.

I want to hear from you!

You hear from me all the time! But blogging is so much more enjoyable when I am able to interact with my readers.

In February, I featured readers in our Real Life Love Stories series, and I want to feature you again.

How is that possible when we only know each other (with a few exceptions) in this vast world called cyberspace?

Here is how!

Do you have a favorite summer recipe? One that can keep us out of a hot kitchen or is a light meal that is just right for those hot summer evenings or that is easy to pack up to take to the beach to watch the sunset?

Did you do something special to celebrate Memorial Day or the 4th of July with your family? Do you make a special dessert? Do you play games? Do you know of a great family friendly place to go to celebrate? We (as in The Joy of Homemaking community) would love to know!

Did you do something fun with your children to help pass the time during the long, lazy days of summer? Do you make homemade toys with items we all have in our cupboards? Do you have a great schedule for how you set up your summertime days? Do you have a summer long project that you work on with your children? Please share!

Will you be taking a day trip or family trip and want to share something about where you went so others can enjoy it, too?

This call is not just for the parents of preschoolers and elementary children. I want to hear from the parents of middle schoolers, high schoolers, and college students, too! Who says the fun has to stop once our kids hit 6th grade?

Grandparents, do you do special things for your grandkids that Mom and Dad will not do? We want to hear from you, too!

Most importantly, you do not have to be a blogger to participate! 

I think every voice should have the chance to be heard, whether you blog or not!

If you would like to participate, check out the Guest Posting Guidelines for all of the details. I know the guidelines look daunting, but they really aren't. It is just a necessity in the world we live in today. If you want to submit but aren't sure how the guidelines work, go ahead, send in a post, and I would be more than happy to help you.

I can't wait to hear from you!

Email me at godlyrose at yahoo dot com with your activity, recipe, or special way that you celebrated one of the summer holidays. You are welcomed to send a photo of yourself (if you want your photo to be included in the post) and a photo of your activity or meal that you are sharing. If you have a blog of your own, I would be more than happy to include a link to your site.

Next week, in the spirit and celebration of the upcoming summer season, we will be talking about some of the free or cheap activities you can do with your family so that you can have the best summer yet.

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