After my initial post on an intentional Christmas, I began really thinking about ways to be intentional with other holidays and events.
Valentine's Day and a birthday have come and gone, and those were thought out with intent (and if I ever find myself with some time like I found right now, I'll tell you about those).
This weekend was all about Easter. Because I knew how busy we were going to be (I am currently the interim Children's Ministry Director at our church so Easter weekend was really busy), I planned ahead of time some crafts that we would do together. We also began our Resurrection Eggs
I also carefully thought through our Easter outfits. Our church was having services on Saturday night and Sunday. I knew my family was going to attend on Saturday night, so I purchased new items reflective of the time they would be attending church but also items that could be worn multiple times throughout the hot summers in here Florida.
We have always given our children an Easter gift of some kind, but this year, I thought about the intent of the gifts. Was it just to give them "stuff" or was it to provide items they needed (and wanted) and would continue to use?
We chose to give each child a keepsake box with identical items that were gender specific.
Both children got:
- toothbrush
(so they can use the Disney timer app)
- toothpaste
(again, so they could use the Disney timer app)
- sunglasses (with their favorite characters on them)
- A sticky-climbs-down-your-fridge-when-you-throw-it type thing
- A movie (Big Hero 6 and Annie )
We stayed away from the candy knowing that our family would be giving them lots of candy later on Sunday afternoon (hence the need for fun toothbrushes and toothpaste!).
I know that none of our gifts to the kids will end up in the garbage or a garage sale. I know that the movies purchased will provide entertainment to them as we take long trips during the summer (digital downloads are awesome!). I know that needs and wants were met within a reasonable budget. I am thankful that each child knows that they are equally loved because they received the same gifts.
After the kids opened their boxes, Addie burst out with, "This is the best Easter ever!" I think that somehow, even she understood what made this Easter different from past Easters.
(And don't worry, I didn't forget about my husband. He had to hunt for his gift! I used this free printable from the Dating Divas.)
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