My name is Suzette and "The Joy of Homemaking" is my piece of the web where you can find a Biblical, family-friendly out look on life, family, homemaking, crafts, and cooking.
As a child, I grew up in a godly home with my parents, Fred and Ana, and my younger sister, Faye. We were taught many Biblical principles in relation to every aspect of our lives. I came to know the Lord personally at a very young age, but rededicated my life when I was 10 years old. I strive to live my life in way that is pleasing to the Lord.
I was home schooled by my mother from 6th through 12th grade and then went to Westminster Choir College where I graduated with my Bachelors in Music Education. The piano was my primary focus instrument, but sadly, I haven't played in years. After college, I taught music for almost a year at Timothy Christian School in New Jersey. Before that year was completed, my family moved to Florida (where we still are), and I found a position at a local Christian Academy where I continued to teach for 10 years. While at the Academy, my positions consisted of teaching 4th grade (6 years), 5th grade (4 years), directing countless Christmas musicals, coaching the cheer leading team, and conducting the entrance exams for new students. It was during my time at the Academy and its parent church that I met my wonderful husband.
On July 11, 2003, Brian and I went on our first date after a growing friendship developed between us in our Sunday school class. On July 10, 2004, I married my best friend and had my first kiss ever. God has been good to us and has blessed us above what we could have ever imagined. I have seen God's hand of provision and protection in our marriage and it has built our faith.

On July 2, 2007 (July seems to be our month!), we found out that we were going to be parents. The next 9 months were an absolute dream. No morning sickness. I only had heartburn during months 5 and 6. And I was able to work literally up to the day I went into labor. Life was going along quite well.
And then on February 6, 2008, my mother, my best friend, my confidante, the woman I admired the most, went into the hospital with diabetes related heart problems. Three days later, Mom went to be with Lord, two weeks short of seeing her first grandchild. During the months that followed my faith was tested. Did I truly believe that all things work together for good? Did I truly believe that God in His sovereignty knew what He was doing? Not only did my faith in the Lord grow by leaps and bounds, but I grew up. I was now the mommy and the woman of the family and I needed to grow into my new position immediately.

I take my many roles as a woman very seriously. I am a born again Christian, wife, and mother as well as a daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, cousin, niece, and friend. Throughout this blog, you will find posts that relate to each of those areas, what God is teaching me (or trying to teach me), and what I am learning (and sometimes relearning).

As you read, you will find that I rarely bring up the negative. I will not put down my husband or broadcast any faults that he may have. After all, I did promise to love and cherish him till death do us part (a vow I take very seriously), and I personally believe that putting him down puts me in the category of the second part of the following verse, "The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish one tears hers down with her own hands". I will also do the same for our children. As their mother, they look to me to comfort and protect them, not put them down or air their faults in a public forum.
Please understand, we are not perfect. We will never claim to be either. However, God has been good to us, and because of His goodness, I want to share with you the wonders that he has done, the goodness of the simple everyday, the sweet moments of a family, the adventures of two children who love each other to pieces, the lessons that an ever learning mommy walks through, and the journey of a couple who does not want to settle for a status quo relationship.
I invite you to follow our journey.
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