This coming year, we will be joining the Classical Conversations method of education. I am so excited about this upcoming school year!
Classical Conversations has a three year cycle- Cycle 1, Cycle 2, and Cycle 3. This coming year, every Classical Conversations group around the world will be working through Cycle 3- American History.
Because Classical Conversations is designed in the Foundations years (K4-6th grade) to give parents a skeleton to work from, we can add as much or as little as we want.
I have already begun putting books on reserve in our library to be available to us during the school year based on the history theme for each week, but I also wanted to be able to use some of the great books I have collected over the years. Some of the books, my 6 year old can read on her own, and some are definitely going to be Mommy/Addie reading time material.
My goal is not to fill Addie's head with tons of information. In fact, if we do not finish reading all of these books, I am not going to worry about it. We have the whole school year to read great books about our American history and heritage. My goal is to make Addie familiar with names, places, events, and moments in our history so that when these things come up in conversation, school, the news, shows that she watches, or other books that she reads, she has something to refer back to, and mentally she can start piecing together what she has already learned to the new information she hears, reads, or sees.
Some of the books are purely historical, some are biographies, and some are historical fiction. I want to have a good balance in there so my lover of books doesn't get bored or lose her love for reading. There is one video series in here that I have scheduled for us to watch at lunch time during the school year.
Buttons for General Washington (Carolrhoda on My Own Book.)
Great Women of the American Revolution (We the People: Revolution and the New Nation)
The Story of the Boston Tea Party: Cornerstones of Freedom
Colonial Clothes (Colonial Quest)
Christopher Columbus: Adventurer of Faith and Courage (Sowers)
The Long Way to a New Land (I Can Read Book 3)
And there was America,
And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? (Paperstar)
Sam the Minuteman (I Can Read Book 3)
Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin by His Good Mouse Amos
They Made a Revolution: 1776
Thanksgiving Is
The Mayflower Adventure (The American Adventure Series #1)
Squanto, Friend Of The Pilgrims (Scholastic Biography)
Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving
Pocahontas Indian Princess Weekly Reader Books Edition
Pedro's Journal: A Voyage with Christopher Columbus, August 3, 1492-February 14, 1493
The great proclamation,: A book for young Americans
The Story of Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor of the Telephone
The Story of Sacajawea: Guide to Lewis and Clark (Dell Yearling Biography)
The Life And Words Of Martin Luther King Jr. (Scholastic Biography)
America : A Patriotic Primer
Liberty's Kids - The Complete Series
The Story of Thomas Jefferson, Prophet of Liberty (Dell Yearly Biography)
I'm linking up with The Squishable Baby, Happy and Blessed Home,
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