Genesis 2:18- "Then the Lord God said,'It is not good for the man to be alone; will make him a helper suitable for him."
I am so often amazed how God puts people together. I have seen it in many of the couples around me (older and young), and I have experienced it myself. We all have weaknesses and strengths, peaks and valleys, and God has put us together to fill those spots perfectly. In our own relationship, I have seen that in many ways. One example is, Brian is a "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it" kind of person. I tend to be the "We need to map out the path to get to the bridge" kind of person. God knew that our personalities would balance each other out.
My father used to tell me before Brian and I ever began dating, that he would be perfect for me. "He will bring a lot of fun into your life." I was the quiet, happy-to-stay-at-home, have-all-the-personality-in-the-world-infront-of-my-students-and-family-but-no-one-else-is-allowed-to-see-that-side-of-me girl. Brian was the happy-go-lucky, always-finding-something-fun-to-do, class clown guy that always had a smile. My father was right.
We have definitely balanced each other out in many ways over the years. As I wrote in one of my scrapbooks, "Brian, how perfect we are for each other! If we were both like me, we would always work without a break. If we were both like you, we would always play. We balance each other, and because of that, we accomplish much and are sufficiently rested."
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