Friday, September 18, 2009

Another Grand Idea...

...from Family Fun Magazine. It took three weeks worth of newspapers to pull this off for a total of 5 minutes of pleasure for one little 18 month old. The structure is not as solid as the magazine pictured it to be, but the togetherness it brought in building it was priceless. As I began putting it together today, my sister-in-law, Angie, helped me in holding the pieces so that I could staple, and my niece, Alyssa, held and played with Addie to keep her entertained while we were working. You really need more than two hands for this project.

Take 4 sheets of stacked newspaper, and roll them into rods using tape to secure the ends. You will needs 25 rolls. Make 5 triangles with your rods and staple the rods together. Staple the 5 triangles together. Use rods to conect the tops of the triangles. Take the remaining 5 rods and staple them together as a leggy star. Staple the ends of your "star" to the points of the triangle. Let your child enjoy!

You may need to hold the top of the dome up as your child plays. Ours lasted for literally 5 minutes...maybe less. But Addie had a lot of fun, and that was worth the time put into building the "dome".

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