Psalm 105:1- Oh, give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name. Make known His deeds among the people.
H- Homes. God has given us such wonderful homes to live in- our starter home and the one we are currently in. Our first home was just perfect for a young couple just starting out, and now our home is perfect for where we are in life right now. The home we are in was a gift from God because we had asked for so many specific things and they were all given to us in this home. Check here to see the post on "Our List".
H- Health. By God's grace, we have remained healthy as a family. None of us has any chronic problems.
I- Interests. If all we had in life was our daily routine and chores, life would be mundane and eventually burn us out. How thankful I am that God put the desire in everyone to have an interest outside of what we do on a day to day basis. My interests include (but are not limited to): coming up with family activities, blogging, sewing, crocheting little hats (for an enjoyable use for my crocheting needles), scrapbooking (both traditional and digital), writing, and singing. It is these interests and learning more about them that help us to keep from becoming stagnant and flat-lining as a human being.
J- Jesus. I am so thankful that Jesus willingly came to earth to die in my place for the wrongs that I have committed. He took my punishment so that God can look at my heart and see it covered in the blood of Jesus. I had always told my students that I don't think I could have done what Jesus did for us. I would have been on the cross pointing out to God the ones I really wanted Him to strike with a bolt of lightning. Yet Jesus forgave the multitude because they did not know what they were doing. That is love.
K- Kisses. And I'm talking about kisses that are given to you by a little forehead (somehow a certain little person thinks that by offering her forehead to you to kiss, she is giving you a kiss) or a slimey mouth that has been licked over several times. The kind that only a toddler can give. But the best ones are the unexpected ones. The ones that happen when you are sitting on the floor trying to build a little block tower and you suddenly get a little kiss on the cheek or a hug around the back accompanied by a toddler's idea of tickling.
L- Late afternoon. I love late afternoon because I know that I can expect Brian to pull up infront of the house and come walking up the front walk. I look forward to his homecoming. I so appreciate the fact that he is the bread winner of our home. It is something that I do not take for granted. With dinner ready for him when he walks in, we sit down in the living room with Addie and watch the prerecorded "Sue Thomas F.B. Eye" for the day. It gives him a chance to wind down after a hard, busy, and (depending on who he has to deal with that day) stressful day of work.
L- Living Room. That is where most of life in our home happens. We spend a lot of time on the living room floor playing, reading, watching our reading DVDs and Veggie Tales. I love my red sofas! The color is just so cozy and has taken on quite a bit of baby liquids but has cleaned up quite well. And because here in Florida we have what is called the Great Room floor plan, our living room is not an entity all to itself. It connects to the dining room and kitchen. With the exception of the small wall used as a visual divider, it is basically one big giant room (hence the name "great room").
M- Mom. I am so thankful for the mother that God gave me to 34 years ago. He knew that she was the mother that I needed. She spent her life serving the Lord, loving her husband, children, and family (in that order), and doing everything she could to make life wonderful for them (now you know where I get it from). She taught and trained us from God's Word, even to the end. One of the last things I remember her saying was when she was in the hospital before surgery. She told me, "Suzette, no matter what happens, God is always faithful." When she passed away, I lost one of my dearest and closest friends. She was my mother until the day I was married, and then our relationship went to a whole new level and she became my friend. I am so proud to call her my mother, because even though she is no longer here, she will always be my mother.
N- New days. I love the beginning of a new day. There is so much time to be used at the beginning of a new day. So much anticipation of what is to come through out the day. So much promise. Devotions with a well rested mind that is able to absorb what God is trying to teach me. An energetic, happy baby who has had a full night's rest (although, she does not care for breakfast to interrupt all that she wants to get to in the much like her mother). Plans to be made or fulfilled, ideas from the night before to translate into action. Places to go, people to see, things to do. Oh, I love new days!
O- Ovens. Have you ever thought about those poor women who lived before the modern age. In order for them to bake or cook anything, they had to burn wood in some kind of enclosed place. I am one for recipes where they tell me what to set my oven to. How in the world would I have survived figuring out how hot a wood burning oven/stove was? I have burned my hands countless times in my own oven (and then promptly thanked the Lord for my salvation), I can just imagine my luck with the wood burning type...actually I would rather not. Thank you Lord for my electric oven!
H- Health. By God's grace, we have remained healthy as a family. None of us has any chronic problems.
I- Interests. If all we had in life was our daily routine and chores, life would be mundane and eventually burn us out. How thankful I am that God put the desire in everyone to have an interest outside of what we do on a day to day basis. My interests include (but are not limited to): coming up with family activities, blogging, sewing, crocheting little hats (for an enjoyable use for my crocheting needles), scrapbooking (both traditional and digital), writing, and singing. It is these interests and learning more about them that help us to keep from becoming stagnant and flat-lining as a human being.
J- Jesus. I am so thankful that Jesus willingly came to earth to die in my place for the wrongs that I have committed. He took my punishment so that God can look at my heart and see it covered in the blood of Jesus. I had always told my students that I don't think I could have done what Jesus did for us. I would have been on the cross pointing out to God the ones I really wanted Him to strike with a bolt of lightning. Yet Jesus forgave the multitude because they did not know what they were doing. That is love.
K- Kisses. And I'm talking about kisses that are given to you by a little forehead (somehow a certain little person thinks that by offering her forehead to you to kiss, she is giving you a kiss) or a slimey mouth that has been licked over several times. The kind that only a toddler can give. But the best ones are the unexpected ones. The ones that happen when you are sitting on the floor trying to build a little block tower and you suddenly get a little kiss on the cheek or a hug around the back accompanied by a toddler's idea of tickling.
L- Late afternoon. I love late afternoon because I know that I can expect Brian to pull up infront of the house and come walking up the front walk. I look forward to his homecoming. I so appreciate the fact that he is the bread winner of our home. It is something that I do not take for granted. With dinner ready for him when he walks in, we sit down in the living room with Addie and watch the prerecorded "Sue Thomas F.B. Eye" for the day. It gives him a chance to wind down after a hard, busy, and (depending on who he has to deal with that day) stressful day of work.
L- Living Room. That is where most of life in our home happens. We spend a lot of time on the living room floor playing, reading, watching our reading DVDs and Veggie Tales. I love my red sofas! The color is just so cozy and has taken on quite a bit of baby liquids but has cleaned up quite well. And because here in Florida we have what is called the Great Room floor plan, our living room is not an entity all to itself. It connects to the dining room and kitchen. With the exception of the small wall used as a visual divider, it is basically one big giant room (hence the name "great room").

N- New days. I love the beginning of a new day. There is so much time to be used at the beginning of a new day. So much anticipation of what is to come through out the day. So much promise. Devotions with a well rested mind that is able to absorb what God is trying to teach me. An energetic, happy baby who has had a full night's rest (although, she does not care for breakfast to interrupt all that she wants to get to in the much like her mother). Plans to be made or fulfilled, ideas from the night before to translate into action. Places to go, people to see, things to do. Oh, I love new days!
O- Ovens. Have you ever thought about those poor women who lived before the modern age. In order for them to bake or cook anything, they had to burn wood in some kind of enclosed place. I am one for recipes where they tell me what to set my oven to. How in the world would I have survived figuring out how hot a wood burning oven/stove was? I have burned my hands countless times in my own oven (and then promptly thanked the Lord for my salvation), I can just imagine my luck with the wood burning type...actually I would rather not. Thank you Lord for my electric oven!
yup....i love toddler kisses too!