Tuesday, June 21, 2011


As I mentioned last week, Addie is now old enough for VBS and I have volunteered (with strong encouragement from my husband) to teach one of the 3 year old classes.  Addie and I have both loved our first day of VBS.  In fact, Addie fell asleep talking to her stuffed dog Taffy about VBS and everything she did today.  It has taken much more our of me than I thought it would, so I think I'll need to take a short break from the blog.  Lord willing, I'll be back on Monday.  Keep us in prayer as Addie has a blast interacting with the other children, I teach the class (with the most amazing helpers on earth), and Brian works solo this week with a broken pinky toe.  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great week! Poor Brian! Praying for a quick healing...Ouch!



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