Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Addie and Creation

I totally had a different post planned for today.......but life happens.

And as it turned out, Addie is what happened.

I was getting our dinner ready and getting Ian's dinner ready when I saw that she had seated herself on the stool I usually use for our devotions, and she began "reading" Bible stories to Ian.

I grabbed my camera, sat myself down to feed the little man, and asked her to start over. Which she so graciously did.

A few of her facts are slightly off (she is four, after all, and since she was taking her cues from the pictures, she is also very literal about the pictures), and the hair is messy (she plays hard!), but I love how she expresses herself. And she is so stinkin' cute!

Enjoy Addie's retelling of Creation and the fall.

Addie's Retelling of the Creation and Fall in Genesis from Suzette Ladouceur on Vimeo.

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