Monday, June 8, 2009

A Good Weekend...and a Banana Smoothie

What a restful and productive weekend we have had. Addie and I began the weekend by waiting outside for Daddy to come from work. She played with her ball, just wandered the yard (with Mommy close at her heels), and just enjoyed the freedom that being able to walk gives her. Before she could walk and when she first started walking, I didn't take her outside too much (except for a run on the back porch in her walker). I'm one for not letting her get dirty on purpose. Now that she can walk, we will enjoy the outdoors together more often. I also gave her a Saltine cracker to hold. I figured, if I let her hold it she might put it in her mouth and taste it. And if she didn't, at least the crumbs would fall on the ground and not on my floor.

Later in the evening, we had a Weeknight Taco Salad (recipe from Kraft Foods- link on sidebar ). Very easy to make, but it also made for an interesting memory. The recipe calls for taking the flour tortillas, draping them over 3 inch aluminum foil balls, and spraying them with cooking spray. When they were done in the oven, I picked up the cookie sheet they were on. One of my shells slipped off the cookie sheet and hit the burner. A small flame shot up from my poor little tortilla shell. I picked it up while breathing a quick, "Dear Jesus, help!" and everything was good. Of course, I kept that shell for myself. Other than that, dinner was a huge success.

On Saturday, we just chilled out around here. Addie has discovered how to open our cabinets this past week, so Brian installed the child-proof catches. I keep forgetting they are there, and find myself getting my fingers scraped as I pull on the cabinet that stops opening when the door is only an inch out.

My cousin, Betsy, is expecting (woohoo!) and recently asked me to make her a baby scrapbook. I spent most of my Saturday working on the page design and layouts, and I am totally pleased with it so far. I'll post a few pictures this week ...but not too many. I want the mommy-to-be to be surprised when she sees the completed album.

Sunday was a beautifully busy day. Church in the morning and a big family gathering in the afternoon. Lots of food, family and catching up on each other. I was also re-inspired to garden (I know, I probably sound like a broken record in that department:). My Uncle Johnny and Aunt Elsa have been growing vegetables and when I saw all that they had done, I really felt badly that I hadn't worked on my garden at all. I am going to go shopping this week and buy one or two little plants already grown (I'll start with seeds when I am more "advanced"). I will post pictures of my little plants when I buy them (now I have committed myself).

Today, everything is back to normal, schedule is in place, I have cleaned and dusted the house, Addie is just waking from her nap, and I have a headache that I need to kill. I had a Banana Smoothie for lunch (don't think it was enough, though). Very easy to make. In a blender or food processor take 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1 1/2 cups of milk, and one frozen and sliced banana and blend. Pour into two glasses (have one more serving...maybe for later). Sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top and enjoy. Hope your Monday is a happy one.

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