Monday, July 27, 2009


Well, today is Monday and the beginning of a new week. I don't know about you, but for me the beginning of a new week brings anticipation and excitement of all types of projects that I look forward to working on and accomplishing. My problem with that is that I tend to over plan my days with Addie's school time, Addie's playtime, my regular house chores, and three or four projects that I want to complete by the end of the day. Never realistic, and always very frustrating. While the first three things always get finished, the last begins to build on itself, and then I become so overwhelmed with the projects I have placed on myself that I throw my figurative hands up and walk away, only to be inspired next Monday with my list of projects that have now grown even longer because I let my imagination get the best of me during the previous week and mentally begin creating and adding projects to my already mile long list.

Part of the reason I am getting so "inspired" with projects is because I have begun doing a cycle of organizing in the house. I used to only do a twice a year thorough organization. However, as Addie has grown out of toys and clothes, and as she spreads out in the house, I have found that doing a seven week cycle has really been doing the job of keeping us organized. Each room gets one week and when I get to the end of the rooms, I begin all over again. It has kept things from growing up around us, and we are more readily aware of when the house begins to close in. Our tolerance for clutter also stays low, and we all stay on the same page.

This morning while Addie was playing in her room, I began going through her toys and books. I was able to whittle down the amount of things she has in her room by removing toys that can be saved for a future baby #2 (and no, I am not making any kind of announcement here:), and toys that she has yet to grow into. I also moved some of her larger board books into the office and put them on the bookshelf in there. After putting her down for her nap (which is when I get my blog time), I looked back and got the biggest sense of relief at how clean and uncluttered the room looked. Tomorrow, Lord willing, I will tackle the closet...a bit nervous about that one.

So what I have decided to do is to put my list of projects here and choose one that I will faithfully work on every day this week for however much time I have available for it. Some days it may be a large chunk of time (an hour or two), and some days it may be five to ten minutes, but I want to start chipping away at my list so that by the end of the year, I can look back and see what God has helped me to accomplish with my time.

  1. Make cornices for the windows (I will need Brian's help with this one)
  2. Finish the afghan I began for Brian while we were dating (don't laugh!)
  3. Organize my gift station
  4. Wrap any unwrapped presents and tag them
  5. Complete one photo album scrapbook
  6. Put a couple of items on Ebay or Etsy
  7. Organize garage (maybe when the weather is cooler?)
  8. Scrapbook all pictures left in box after photo album is complete
  9. Finish cross-stitching the picture of the two turtles
  10. Make bulletin board for Addie's room
  11. Turn small cross-stitch projects into frames wall art
  12. Make an apron with fabric my cousin Belinda gave me
Do I expect to accomplish everything? That is my goal. If I go into this with a back door or a mental lower expectation (remember my post about expectations?), then chances are that I will not finish. However, with God's help, I intend to be successful at these projects. And how about this (for added encouragement for myself)? I will post a picture each time I complete a project for you to see.

Are you game? Why not make your own list of things/projects you would like to accomplish before the end of the year. We still have 5 months! That's plenty of time! Just make sure that your list is realistic to the amount of time you have. And feel free to share your goals, lists, and results with us. The purpose of this blog is to encourage each other to good works. I would love to rejoice with you as you accomplish your goals and projects. Now, which one will I start with...


  1. Wow, Suzette, I was totally encouraged today by your blog. You have always been good with writing (Remember all the stories you wrote when we were kids? I'm still waiting for you to publish them...Eh,em...), and today's was especially motivating. It is definitely a gift you have been given. Today's blog made me want to set goals for myself as well, and since you asked for a list from your readers of things they would like to also accomplish, with the Lord's help, here are a few of mine:
    1. Read to completion "at least" three books by year's end.
    2. Organize my side of the garage.
    3. Sell a few things on Ersy.
    4. Begin recording tips for teaching that God has taught me.
    5. Practice the piano a bit more regularly.
    Well, thanks again for spurring me on to good works again. You have always been an inspiration that God has placed in my life for so many things...and this is just one more of those ways.
    Love you lots,

  2. Thanks for the comment, Faye. It is really encouraging to me that my readers are motivated to good works. You are a wonderful sister and encouragement to me as well.

  3. I want to make my list today! But I think my goal will be to accomplish them by the fall of next year! Great idea...thanks suzette...isn't it fun to see other people's goals?



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