Thursday, October 8, 2009

Following You

I have mentioned before that our children will follow our example, whether good or bad, because we are the one that spends the most time with them.

For example, yesterday morning, after having Addie's devotions with her, I handed her the Baby Jesus book. She turned each page, pointed to the cute, cartoony figures, and babbled using the same vocal inflections that I use when I read the account to her.

I called GrandTiti, my mother's sister (because I had to tell someone, and I knew Brian had a busy day ahead of him), and she said, "See, Suzette, she is following you."

As I was looking through some of my digital photo files yesterday evening, I found a picture that had been taken on Thanksgiving Day 2008.

I was struck by the fact that my then 9 month old was doing the exact same thing I was doing.

I made a digital page to remind me of that fact. As much as we think about it, I think we need visual reminders sometimes also.

Our children do follow us and our pressure, Mom.

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