Rebecca Sower visited Haiti the week before the tragedy struck and developed relationships with many of the women there through the Haiti Gospel Mission. She has opened up an Etsy shop for the women of Haiti featuring many of their handmade crafts. All of the money made through this site goes directly to the wonderful women of Haiti who are trying to make life better for their families. There is no middleman.
Rebecca has already sold all of the inventory brought back from the women. She has asked for crafters here in the states make items to donate to the Haiti By Hand shop to sell for the benefit if the ladies in Haiti. I was in the process of making this crocheted tote bag when the call was sent out. I sent the information to Rebecca Sower, and it will be up on the Haiti By Hand site very soon along with many other beautiful items handmade by women here doing what they can to help women there. (My sister, Faye, is modeling the bag for me.)
You can help out in two ways. You can either purchase items from Haiti By Hand (remember that ALL monies go directly to the women in the artisan group of the Haiti Gospel Mission) or you can handcraft an item and contact Rebecca Sowers to have your item posted on her site. There are so many ways to help our fellow believers in Haiti.
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