Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Aspects of the Schedule- First Things First

Our schedule is something that has come up quite a bit in my posts.  And although I know that our schedule is going to be altered in the next few weeks, there are different aspects of the schedule that will always remain the same.  I thought it might be helpful to share the different aspects of our daily schedule with you, break it down, and show how although items are in the schedule where they fall can be alternated and adjusted to the type of day we are having.

The first aspect of the schedule that we will look at is the part that I believe is vital to any day running smoothly- Devotions/ Quiet Time.

For me, when the alarm goes off (these days it is 6:15-6:30 a.m.), my first order of business is a trip to the bathroom to put in my contact lenses and brush my teeth (I cannot stand the feel of my teeth first thing in the morning).  Then I head to the office for my devotions. 

It is during that time that I read the Bible, have my "official" prayer time (I pray throughout the day as things pop into my head), and just have a few minutes with the Lord alone.

This time is so refreshing.  It begins my day with the right perspective, right attitude, and right focus.  It helps me to slow down (because I wake up in hyperdrive ready to hit every item on my daily schedule), to take the time to hear from and listen to God, and I am able to cast my goals and plans for the day on His shoulders before the day really begins.

Even after Ian joins our family, this is one aspect of the day that I refuse to change, eliminate, ignore, or let go of.  It is when we are the busiest that we need to carve out those moments to spend with the Lord.  Only then will we be able to handle everything that comes our way.

If you don't already have a quiet time with the Lord, I would encourage you to take five minutes this morning for just the two of you.  Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea (or whatever your prefered beverage is... right now mine is ginger ale with crushed ice), sit down with your Bible and maybe a devotional (Our Daily Bread is a great place to start), and spend some time with your Friend who will never leave you or forsake you.  And be ready to have a great day! 

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