Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Give Away Winner and Life Lessons | Proverbs 31:13

....and the giveaway of Everyday A Friday goes to....... Chrissie in Seattle Washington!  Send me an e-mail with your information and I will get your book out to you as soon as possible!  Thanks to all who commented and participated in the giveaway!

"She looks for wool and flax, and works with her hands in delight."

This is one of my favorite verses in this section of scripture. I have always loved the handmade and the homemade and using my hands to make something for our home. Handmaking things is becoming a lost art with the convenience of just running to the store to buy what we need. The older generation made what they needed using what they had. My mother used to tell me stories of how every Easter, my grandmother would make Easter outfits for all five of her children (two girls and three boys) because it was too expensive to buy new outfits. People were always amazed at how beautiful her children always looked.  My grandmother has also crocheted sweaters and ponchos for Addie and is working on a set for Ian (from what she told me).

I remember the Christmas when I was seven, my mother made me a life-sized doll and sewed a dress for me to match my doll's dress. It was one of the best, most remembered present I ever got from my mother. My mom also used to make dresses for me out of leftover material from other projects. One of my favorite dresses was a little green and yellow dress. My mom always said that she hated that dress, but for some reason, it was my favorite! I think it was the sleeves that I liked the most.

When I was seven, my Aunt Elsa (Addie's Lala) bought me my first cross-stitching piece to work on, and I have been working with my hands ever since. I have cross-stitched so many pictures (I don't have enough wall space for them-sigh), made quilts (Addie used to lay on one when we would play on the floor in the living room), crotcheted (two years ago I made Addie a little hat and sweater set- my pride and joy!), and my mother taught me to sew (dresses, curtains, my bedskirt and matching pillows, etc.). My mom-in-law is known for her crocheted afghans (when we used to crochet together a typical end to the evening was- Mom: I'm half way done with my afghan. Me: I finished three rows- sigh again.).

Using our hands to do things can be very rewarding. It gives us something to show for the time we have put in, and people truly appreciate handmade/homemade gifts more than the store bought (most of the time).

The key point here is that the Proverbs 31 woman uses her hands in delight! She truly enjoys working with her hands. She doesn't do what she does with grumbling and complaining. I challenge you to find a project that you can use your hands to do that involves material (cross-stitch, sew, crochet, knit, needlepoint, etc.). Pick an easy project if you are a beginner, and "work with your hands in delight".

Memorize Proverbs 31:13

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