This week we will begin a new series on homemaking and Titus 2. Some of the posts will be brought back from the archives, some will be revamped because of my own growth over the last 3-4 years, some will be brand new.
The reason for this is because of a disturbing trend I am continually seeing where women are proudly flaunting their inattentiveness to their homes, husbands, and children, their lack of time management, and their lack of desire to care for their homes.
I am by no means perfect in any of these areas, but as a believer, I believe that my home is my first place of ministry and deserves my best efforts. As a stay-at-home wife and mother, this is also my full time job and, as with any job, it deserves my full attention.
As we go through this series, we will not be looking at homemaking from the stand point of my opinion, but from what the Word of God says. Our society has had a big hand in forming our culture's opinion in the role of women and how domestic duties are to be treated, but God has a pretty strong opinion on the matter as well.
And for the record, homemakers are not just the stay-at-home mom. They are also the women who leave their homes to bring home a paycheck to help support their family. They are making a home as well. In fact, their job is twice as hard.
What we will be focusing on is the heart attitude we need to have as we build our homes, a heart attitude that goes against the grain of what society- and other believers- tries to convince us is "normal."
I pray that as we go through this series, we will all be renewed in our love for the Lord and His plan for our homes, marriages, and children.
I look forward to reading. In the summer time I especially struggle to be as productive and 'on top of things' around my house. I am eager for the motivation!