This year, we will begin a new chapter in our homeschooling adventure- the "homeschooling" of our three year old!
I use the term "homeschooling" very loosely here, because I have chosen to take a very different approach to schooling with Ian than I did with Addie.
With Addie I had a self-imposed goal of teaching her to read by two and a half. Well, she didn't learn to read by two and a half, and she even became frustrated with reading for a bit.
For Ian, our approach will be very different.
His structured learning time will only be three times per week.
He will learn to read when he learns to read- no mommy-imposed timelines for him.
His learning time will include having mommy read lots of books to him that include stories about letters and numbers.
Part of his learning time will still include my favorite learning videos, and some of his learning will come from a group learning time with his sister.
Lord willing, at the beginning of each week, I will be sharing with you exactly what our lesson plans were for the previous week, what we did, and what we used. Our first day of school is August 18, so you can expect to see our lesson plans for that week at the beginning of the following week.
Below are the current resources I have collected over the summer for Ian's structured learning time.
For our actual curriculum, we are using two workbooks from Abeka.
Letters and Sounds for 3s
Numbers and Skills with Button Bear
The following are videos and books that we will use to supplement what we are learning in the workbooks.
LeapFrog: Letter Factory
LeapFrog: Talking Words Factory
A, my name is--
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3 (Chicka Chicka Book, A)
Counting Crocodiles
More M&M's Brand Chocolate Candies Math
Pig, Pigger, Piggest
Five Little Ducks (Raffi Songs to Read)
Little Quack's Hide and Seek
I am sure that more items will be added to this list throughout the year. If you follow along on Facebook, I will let you know when items are added to this list.
I am excited about the upcoming school year.
I am looking forward to having a much more settled schedule.
I am looking forward to being home more.
I am looking forward to spending large chunks of time teaching and learning with my children.
It's going to be a great school year!
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