Monday, May 2, 2011


Yes, there is a little mover and shaker in our midst!

Addie and I caught what Brian had earlier in the week, and during our time of recouping, a little person decided to make themselves felt.  Although most of the movements are just for me to feel, Brian and Addie have also felt our little person move or shift position.

I definitely think Squishy is bigger than Addie was. At least it feels like more of the area in my abdomen is being taken up by this little person than it did when I was carrying Addie. Who knows.

Sometime this month, we should be finding out what the baby's gender is.  Exciting!

I have begun measuring time in months- not according to the calendar, but according to our progression. However, when I forget to change back into "normal" time, people who have a hard time thinking "outside the box" get lost and start correcting me... as if I have no idea what I'm talking about. Don't you sometimes wish that people would think more outside the box than they do?

As I am typing, our little gift is moving around, reminding me that he/she is here.  It is such a wonderful feeling. A feeling that I have missed for the last three years.  A feeling that I will cherish for the rest of this pregnancy.

Keep moving, Baby!

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